Text Entry Boxes
I have a slide with 4 TEBs. Variables have been assigned to the TEBs and an advanced action created to check the answers and show check marks or Xs, depending on whether or not the answers are...
View ArticleRe: I just started to use Lightroom 5 and wondering why I am getting a huge...
Answer: no - not me (win7). That said, I can't help but be curious:* Which OS* Example temp file names (paths) and sizes.. When do they come and do they ever go... Rob
View ArticleChange from WIN7 to iMAC, questions
I have Lightroom 5.I am thinking to move over to iMac from WIN7 after me PC main board crashed. Do I have to buy new licence?What happens to me catalogues, can I copy them direct?Changes and tagging...
View ArticleIssue with LR5.4 and NIK Collection plugins
I recently installed the Google NIK collection of plugins for Lighroom. All the plugins seem to work fine except that Vivesa 2 is extremely slow in response time. When a control point is placed on an...
View ArticleRe: Réinstaller Photoshop CS5 version 12.0
Bonsoirj’ai retrouvé et téléchargé de nouveaux mon produit adobe sur https://licensing2.adobe.com/merci encore de votre aide, cordialementLaurence
View ArticleRe: Is there a way I can make a button repeat its actions while the mouse is...
I am not sure what your are trying to do but one way is ,when mouse down event is triggered for the first time start doing the mouse down actions(in loop) and also listen to mouse up event.When mouse...
View ArticleHow to change font via ExtendScript
Alright, there is probably a simple solution here, but I can't seem to change the font for a layer via ExtendScript. The CS6 scripting guide has me trying the following code: var textProp =...
View ArticleRe: dreamweaver CC layout help please (using floats)
I am yeah, its called Advanced CSS Drop Down Menu Light from AjatixSorry for the late reply by the way! Here is my up to date code as of today, <!doctype html> <html> <head>...
View ArticleRe: Can I download LR 5 to my Mac while keeping and using LR 3 which I...
Yes, I agree. It would be the wrong way to get images into LR 5 for sure and certainly much more cumbersome. And as I said to Josh, it was just a diagnostic question used to reveal more of what...
View ArticleRe: Download stuck
AMusetabouche which Adobe software or service are you trying to download? Do you receive any specific error messages?
View ArticleRe: delete line up to next intersection addon?
Try Illustrators shape builder tool.See manual o how to use it with lines. Or try Dynamic sketch pluginDynamicSketch plugin for Adobe Illustrator - Astute Graphics
View ArticleRe: Preview Button!!!!
I see adobe has an update to Creative Cloud. Not Photoshop, not Photoshop CC but Creative Cloud. Last time they did this, there was a massive bug and I couldn't even get onto Creative Cloud at all....
View ArticleWhy is my publish button not clickable?
I can't publish my animation. It's not clickable. (grey) Why is this? Here is a printscreen:
View ArticleHow to convert rich black to flat black?
I have some cartoons that are downloaded as CMYK. The black in them is rick black, and I need it to be flat black (100% black but not grayscale). What's the best way to do this?
View ArticleAdvance Actions
Hello All I need so help on advanced action in captivate 6. On my slide I have three rollover areas and a button. I want the button to be activated once the leaner has rolled over all three areas. I...
View Articlesend for shared review multiple pdf files
HiI want to know if it's possible to send for shared review more than one file with one action, or you have to send for shared review every single file? I have more than 100 files I would like to send...
View ArticleRe: Elements 12. I've lost all tools on right of screen for both expert and...
Hi Nikita, This resulted in no change. Is there a way to reinstall this program? I couldn't figure that out from the download availabilities. I have a program that can erase all of it called...
View ArticleRe: page numbers using decimals?
sorry for being pretty thick, but how do you go about doing this? I have a portfolio which has a section title as this: 1. Creative 1.1 The title of the first concept 1.2 The title of the...
View ArticleRe: Is there anybody who know about editing multiple tracks, particularly...
Bill I need to dig into the details of your latest report and try to set up the same scenario so that I give you a road tested version. But there are some questions I can answer now. 1. Menu markers do...
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