Re: Photoshop CS6, Photomerge
Robert Schroeder wrote: Yes, CS3 vs. CS6… No, it's not "Semantics", it is use of proper terminology. You can't expect to get adequate help if you misstate version numbers. Ps 3 and Ps 6 are ancient...
View ArticleRe: Since installing the latest update of Photoshop CC two days ago, Auto...
Thank you, Adam, for acknowledging the bug. Regarding versions, the odd thing is that both my version that works ok, where I did not apply the update, and my version that has the update and does not...
View ArticleRe: My site with out "www" is not forwarding to my website
Let BC handle it as Liam suggested, it will take a few hours for name servers (NS) to change. Regarding general setup of domain names: should be an A record to your IP address....
View ArticleRe: Dye Sub Printing
I trust you've done other color jobs with that dye sub printer? If you have, you probably calibrated the system or use a standard RIP + PRINT solution following the user's guide. Some questions. How...
View ArticleDeactivate CS6 from a Dead Computer
I have cs6 installed on a computer that the mother board died leaving the computer not able to start. I am not able to deactivate cs6 on the dead computer. How would I get this deactivated ??
View ArticleRe: Can´t burn to a DVD. Process went up to 98 % and then rejected the disc....
Rayo Thank you for your replies. When I referred to transition placement....did you have any problems in setting a transition for "Between Clips" and was forced to place the transition at "Left Clip"...
View ArticleRe: does anyone have experience converting 1080p footage to a 1080i output?
re name: interesting!re fields:as I understand - the fields are there whether you shoot 25p or 50i its simply that in 25p both fields are the same. if you shoot 50i and output 25p you could well burn...
View ArticleRe: I'm trying to print and i can't get illustrator to use the whole page
Have you used the Page Tool to align the page with the artboard? Use View > Show Page Tiling to see where the page is.
View ArticleRe: ライセンス購入にも関わらず体験版に移行してしまう
ソフトウェアダウンロードカードを購入された場合の手順の紹介ページがあります。ソフトウェアダウンロードカードの有効化について引き換えコードの入力済であれば、デスクトップにあるCreative Cloudの右上にある歯車マークから環境設定→アカウント→サインアウトとし、再度サインインのし直しをすると契約情報が反映されるようです。
View ArticleRe: I have two text fields, where the user will sign one text field and the...
is there anyone there who could help? thanks in advance...
View Articlehow do I crop an image using Illustrator
I am trying to work out how to crop an image in Illustrator without having to use Photoshop to do so??
View ArticleRe: Photoshop CS5 12.1 Eventually Won't Open Files or New Documents
I spoke too soon. The problem still persist and it actually happening in an other computer with totally different hardware. It seems thought, that my problem occur when I intensively use the...
View ArticleRe: I can't download Shockwave, it hangs up at step 2 and download window...
Assuming you are running Windows, the full installer for Shockwave is (always) at this link
View ArticleRe: hello, code is difficult ..
i found an easy way for this.. to make a second button ,create an invisible square/div.then animate it to it pop infront of the button you clicked when it moves to the second click position, then code...
View ArticleRe: InDesign CS5: Why do hidden codes turn from blue to red?
I was easily able to merge the text to the correct layer and all is well. Thank you.
View ArticleRe: page jumps using collapsible panel
Thank you for getting rid of position: absolute; every time I see that in a basic layout, I go haywire (dan wordt ik gek!). To solve your problem, remove line #93 of SpryAccordion.csspadding: 10px;You...
View ArticleRe: Error "After Effects Needs Two or more Frames to Playback" AE CC 2014
That's great we have the option to install older versions, but this also means re-installing all of my plugins (copilot, trapcode, red giant, etc, etc). This will just waste more time I don't have. I...
View ArticleRe: how do I crop an image using Illustrator
Make a new Artboard the size you want it to be, Export it using the Use Artboard (lower left first dialog) with the range set to Artboard 2 or what ever number.
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