Re: Contact Form in DreamWeaver or Muse Help ?
Hi, Could you please provide some details, what are the fields that you want to include in your web form?
View ArticleRe: Undo is not working properly (grayed out)
I am also having this problem -- Undo is permanently grayed out!! Brand-new MacBook Pro with 16GB RAM running 10.9.4 and using CC, not upgraded to CC2014 yet. On my previous machine I was running CC...
View ArticleHow do I restore a chart I deleted from the Summary Report?
I inadvertently deleted a question from the Summary Report by clicking the little trash can icon and I'd like to get it back. To clarify: the question is still there on the form; I'm just looking to...
View ArticleRe: How do you vector a design to go on a screen to print on shirts?
Right, you and me both. What do you mean by 'it just has to have alpha?' Sorry i mistook the definition of raster. It's jpegs that they say they can't put it straight on because there's a hard...
View Articlewill photoshop elements 12 have camera raw 8.6 support?
will photoshop elements 12 have camera raw 8.6 support?
View ArticleRe: Method to link to admin pages update: Need nee method
You didn't specify this was a BC app, pass the URL target the parent frame, but you'll have to ask the user on first run of the app, what is your url or thereabouts and save that to a config file.
View ArticleRe: How do I reset General Preferences in Premier Elements 12?
DSgal Thanks for message. I also have Windows 8.1 64 bit and am still trying to find my way around it. I think I am OK with the Start menu and shortcuts, but still learning.See if this Microsoft...
View ArticleRendering and Premiere 6 vs Premiere CC
I have heard people say this and my own experiences found it not to be true but has anyone had a Premiere 6 or Premiere CC render free-experience with effects? And if so, how is this possible? I have...
View ArticleRe: help with table that push the div
Which div is being 'pushed down'? By the way, you know that you do not need to use those position: relative styles? If you get rid of them (and of the z-index styles, and the top/left styles) you will...
View ArticleAdobe Extension Manager CS5 5.0 アップデートが、 エラーコード : U43M1D207で失敗してしまいます。
View ArticleHow to reset format of responses
Hi, my all response columns are suddenly collapse to very narrow width. I don't know why it's happening like this. this is before and now it looks like that. is there any way i can fix this instead of...
View ArticleRe: カラーキーがキーイングにないのですが?
投稿ありがとうございます。 「カラーキー」はAfter Effects CC以降、「旧バージョン」という項目に移動されました。これは、「リニアカラーキー」という、32bitの色空間でより精密な処理が行える上位のカラーキーエフェクトが実装され、そちらをご利用いただいた方がキーカラーでの「抜け」が良い仕上がり...
View ArticleRe: AIR game on Steam/OSX - Build app with -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 or newer
In particular, this was an issue with the SteamWorks "contentprep" tool. We had to run it from the command-line as a post-build step, like: python...
View ArticleRe: CRM APIs - what's missing?
I use the SOAP API both server side and client side (Javascript SOAP). Currently missing:- A JSON API - File API, move files, delete files, edit, change, including moving to secure zones.- Shipping...
View ArticleHow do you remove android devices from Digital Editions?
I have tried to authorize my laptop computer to Digital Editions 3.0, but I need to remove my android devices from authorization. Can you help me?
View ArticleRe: Captivate 7 with multiple users
Your issue sounds more like it relates to end-user bandwidths not being what they used to be. If you've changed nothing about the content files for these courses then the only other reason why things...
View ArticleRe: What would be the best method to build a customizable list of questions?
Have you tried repeating subforms? You could seed the form with an xml file, then allow the interviewer to delete the unwanted questions. Look at this article:A Form to Design a Form
View ArticleRe: AIR game on Steam/OSX - Build app with -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 or newer
I should be more clear - the issue is an incompatibility between the Air app and Steam, for which the *workaround* is telling Steam's tool not to apply DRM to the app since it's not possible for us to...
View ArticleRe: Reader 11.0.07 -- Cannot disable the "Click to Sign" balloon that...
I used the cleaner tool and then re-installed. Thanks for sending the link to the tool. So here's the giggle: I now no longer get the "Click to Sign" message upon opening every PDF document. Now I...
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