Re: problem to activate CS3
You have not provided any proper system info or other technical details such as what Internet connection you use, so we can't know what may be going on. As a start, refer to this: Sign in, activation,...
View ArticleRe: Aktivierungsproblem
Vielen Dank für die schnelle Hilfe. Leider habe ich nur ein CS und kein CS2. Wo kann man das denn herunterladen? Ich finde einfach nichts auf der Adobe-Webseite...
View Articlewhich font and how to add a chinese font into font book that can be used in...
I am wondering which chinese fonts are useable for Mac OS X. Which to buy and how to use. Should I use Font Pack or other programs to get the font to be used. Any advice is useful. Thank you
View ArticleRe: Set guides in viewer window?
The more you think about it the more ways one comes up with.Typing the same numbers in position. You cannot get more accurate then that.
View ArticleRe: Best image format for outlook signature?
Nothing wrong on either end. That's simply a limitation of the whole process. Images may get arbitrarily resized or even re-compressed. Unless your client creates an explicit HTML template for this, it...
View ArticleRe: Since CC (2014) update SVG assets dragging in at 900%
The SVGAntiScale factor can anyways be changed according to requirements. Its just that we wanted to avoid any pixilation issue when scaling an SVG content.Hence, initially itself the browser first...
View ArticleRe: WindowsUpdateでFlashが更新されないようにする方法
mms.cfgファイルに記述するのは、あくまでAdobeが提供するNPAPIのFlash Playerのオプション設定です。 Windows 8以降のInternet Explorerには、ActiveXコントロールプラグインとしてのFlash...
View ArticleHow can add a progress bar into script?
Hi, I got a script for gen pdfI want put a progress bar, and make it workingbut I don't know where I can put the progress barand how...
View ArticleHow long will Adobe Premiere CS6 be supported till?
I was considering purchasing this version in the future once I earn the cash I need to pay for it, but I was wondering if Adobe Premiere would stop support for this version, I don't really want to pay...
View ArticleRe: Saving as psd as default
That looks like a Background Layer all right. After saving an eligible previously unsaved file as jpg Photoshop should offer that (until it is changed) format for similar previously unsaved files. What...
View ArticleRe: serial number.
Thank you for this Ned. I tried all these things previously and nothing worked so I may be needing to ring them up and see what is going on.
View ArticleHow to change paths to only outline text
Please help I am trying to move the anchors and paths so only the outer edges of the text are outlined. It is for a vinyl sign and I don't want slices through it. It is probably simpleish I'm sure but...
View ArticleLightroom 5.5 on mac - lens profile correction for Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 28-300mm...
Hi I have Lightroom 5.5 on mac and am looking for the lens profile correction for Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6 ED VR which I think has been created but doesn't appear in my list. Can I download...
View ArticleCS6 not supported on future Mac OS?
Is it true that CS6 won't be supported in future Mac OS versions? How long will I still be able to use CS6?
View ArticleRe: Is there an app for BC sage line 50 integration
There is confusion, not on my part.You wrote:"In terms of what I am referring to TheBCMan is passing data out of an app and back in through 3rd party API servers" To be clear, sorry for all caps but,...
View ArticleRe: how can i delete all non native art?
Ok so it works, and well. The problem now resides in the size of the file / the nuber of paths. I got over 500k objects. The loop goes through each one of then to find out if it's a valid object to...
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