I'm new to Lightroom. I would like to use my IMac and my Macbook pro to edit photos. I've been reading here that I need to keep all of my photos in folders, either on my computer or on external hard drives. I would like to use lightroom to edit photos on both machines from time to time.
If I build my Lightroom catalog on and external hard drive, can just plug that hard drive into the machine I would like to use at that moment.
My computers are automatically backed up on line. If I were to put the catalog on one of those computer hard drives, it would be automatically backed up, unlike an external hard drive, which I would have to back up manually.
I also have most of my photos inside I-photo..... I know they are changing and this may not be where I want to keep my photos. So I'm moving to Lightroom. Is there a procedure that will make this easier.
What would be your suggestion to handling this situation.
Thanks for your advise.