Good day.
We would like to upgrade our current LiveCycle installation from ES3 to ES4 to use new Mobile Forms and Forms Manager capabilities. I’ve checked Adobe LiveCycle ES4 Supported Platforms article and noticed two important exceptions. One is under Browsers section:
- FireFox and Chrome are supported only on Microsoft® Windows® platforms (all variants of Windows® XP, Windows® 7, Windows® Vista, Windows® 2008 R1, and Windows® 2008 R2), and Safari on Macintosh OS only. They are not supported on Windows® 8.
Is it true? If so, it’s very significant restriction because the number of Windows 8 users is growing from day to day.
The second exception is:
- LiveCycle doesn’t support IBM® WebSphere® 7 on Red Hat® 6 and IBM® AIX® 7.1.
This one is also suitable for us because we use WebSphere Application Server on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.2. So what we need to do to workaround this restriction? Upgrading the WebSphere Application Server is impossible because it means new installation. The only way is to upgrade Red Hat to version 7. Please let me know if I’m wrong.
P. S. Upgrading to LiveCycle ES4 contains sentence "If you need any assistance in upgrading your existing LiveCycle setup to LiveCycle ES4, write to Adobe support at upgrade2LiveCycleES4[at]adobe[dot]com." But it seems that this e-mail address does not exist because I've got "Delivery to the following recipient failed"message.