Referring to your post numbered 11.
I would like to get a look at the properties of the webcam video...not only looking for the video and audio compressions, but also whether or not the recording is giving you a variable or constant frame rate.
If you have not already, please download and install the free MediaInfo video audio properties readout program. The View Menu/Tree View from that program will give us what we need to know about that video in order to make good Premiere Elements decisions for working with it. MediaInfo is a great program for now and future project use. But, take care in the download and install of it so that you do not encounter unwanted carry alongs that will create computer problem especially for the browsers. However you manage to find the information, what I am looking for
a. variable or constant 15 fps frame rate
b. video and audio properties to confirm that the Premiere Elements project settings have been set up (by you or the program) appropriately for this particular video.
Also, when you see a questionable preview in the Edit area, good idea to do a mini test run in export to determine if you are dealing with a previewing problem or a video problem.
We will be watching for further news on this aspect of your projects.
Thank you.