I read your post regarding the clean install on the new Mac Pro. If all your issues have resolved then it must absolutely point to the OS as the problem. I was curious if you also experienced choppy playback when you were running OS 10.9.3? I had glitchy palyback with both video and audio as well as the rendering issues.
Along with the choppy playback I too am experiencing the lines and glitches when I playback the timeline. Also I cannot render my timeline- it just hangs up, and when I export in a queue to AME it hangs up.
But I don't see many posts on the choppy playback issues I'm having. Can you please tell me if you had them as well?
I have a 12 core fully loaded Mac Pro running the latest Apple OS. I'm using a Thunderbolt 2 Pegasus Promise RAID.
Jim Coulter
Moving image Productions
Cell: 832-563-4895