Am I the only one who thinks Adobe should just give up on CC (which was apparently cracked within 12 hours of launch) and just start working on CS7? After all, the general consensus seems to be that CC...(hang on a sec while I let the various expletives I've heard from current and former CC users run through my mind, and then edit them out)...isn't well liked by users, and is considered less than optimal as a long-term design solution. (How's that for political correctness?)
I mean, after Adobe gives me a replacement for my "expired perpetual CS6 license" (bwahahahaha...sorry, I couldn't help laughing at the complete and utter lameness/sadness of that particular oxymoron) and I'm up and running again, I'm pretty sure I'd upgrade to CS7 in a year or two.
*BTW: I'm a PC user, and I really hope Microsoft is paying attention to just how popular "The Great and Powerful Cloud" has turned out to be for Adobe. (Cloud-free Windows 9, anyone?)
Okay, back to waiting for a solution from Adobe (a.k.a. "Quark 2.0 - Crash and Burn Enhanced") for the expired-license smeg fest / frak up / flame out...