Hi Steve,
Thanks for your reply.
The form at the moment has Table One - 36 rows with statements in first column and then yes, no and n/a check boxes….. on each row either the yes or the no checkbox is highlighted.
Depending on whether the user checks the highlighted answer or not depends on whether the text statement in column one is to be transferred to the column one in the
new expanding table. So if the user checks say all no’s for their answer , there might only be 10 statements out of the 36 that need to go down to the new expanding table.
My problem is that I have now referenced the new row with a static number and I need to know how to count the new rows and put the reference in if all 36 are not used.
Table one static with fixed amount of rows (36)
Column 1 Column 2 col 3 col 4
statement 1 N/A Yes No
statement 2 N/A Yes No
statement 3 N/A Yes No
I want the statements only from the highlighted answers – so if the user selected yes, yes, yes - the statement in row two is not needed but I have numbered my rows
, etc and at the moment it puts a new blank row in for statement 2 .
Code on check box for statement number 3
if (this.rawValue == "1") {
this.resolveNode("PageFive.ActionTableSub.Table7.Row1[2].Risk").rawValue = "Is the reception area visible to fellow employees?";
The RED reference code is what I need help with – I want it to be a count?? reference so that it is not putting/referencing 36 rows….
I hope this makes sense!
Thank you so much for your help (you are obviously in the US??) I am in Australia and am seeing your replies in the mornings when I come in to work.
Jane Maddison
Graphic Designer/Publications Officer
Communications and Community Engagement Unit