I appreciate the information you have provided. However, I just decided to make my menu conform to a Premiere template instead of being able to easily customize my menus as I could with Pinnacle. I am using a menu from the slideshow option that will allow 6 buttons. I'll stay within that constraint.
I am not exaggerating when I say with Pinnacle I could have created a menu and markers and text and a picture background and as many buttons as I wanted on one screen in less time than I have spent reading and writing on this forum to figure this out. And it would all have been done within the Pinnacle software.
And the buttons could be a thumbnail from the video, which is done by positioning the video where you want it then select "use as thumbnail" and you're done. With Premiere, I struggled with the offset value because I assumed that would be the offset from the beginning of the video. Why wouldn't it be? The values were right there when I selected the frame I wanted so I plugged them in to the menu. Imagine my surprise and further frustration when the thumbnail was not what I expected. I had to do the math of where the thumbnail was minus where the marker was to get the offset. I don't understand why the exact location of the frame couldn't be used. It seems like it would have to be a unique value. Did I miss an easy way to calculate the offset?
I hesitate to mention I wanted to put a picture in a scrolling credit with text at the end of my video. I got it to work - sort of. The picture scrolls ok, but it lost its color when I put it in for some reason. It almost looks like a negative. But I have a simple solution for that - I will create my rolling credits with pictures in Pinnacle on my PC because I can then create an avi I will bring into Premiere and that will work nicely.