I have a script which will extract a pdf file to a predefined directory.
The file path includes a text field in the parameter VendorNo.
This is the actual windows directory path
H:\ Drawing Office\PDF\Scripting Form Fields\Mail Merge\002 - Centrifuge
The file path generated from the script is
H:\ Drawing Office\PDF\Scripting Form Fields\Mail Merge\002
I need to include a wild card for the end part of the directory path for " - Centrifuge", as the end of the file path string may vary.
I have tried a regular expression wild card for any number of characters in the script such as /./
I have attempted this in the script as follows but it does not work.
/ Extract and save Form by calling folder level script
var g = this.getField("VendorNo");
var k = g.valueAsString;
var l = k.match(/./);
var j = this.numPages;
var myPath = "/h/Drawing Office/PDF/Scripting Form Fields/Mail Merge/" + l + "/" + "test.pdf";
If anyone can please provide assistance with the regular expression, I would be most grateful.