I'd appreciate some help- with this . First time this has happened. I'm working on a 3 cam MultiCamEdit. Been doing this every week for about a year now and all of a sudden, the layout changes.
Maybe you can suggest a way to reset it back. I did a "normal" CS6 reset using the "SHIFT" as I launch. Didn't help. Tried to drag and it didn't work. Maybe I need help with the dragging idea??
As you can see the two frames over one original gives me a larger "main frame" but the main thing is that the three cams are larger and easier to view.
Here's the original two frames over one frame. I like this configuration...........
Now, all of a sudden today, when I open the MultiCamEdit for this project, I get all three frames on the top row. Any ideas how I can get back to the two over one configuration?
I don't like this.