Hello everyone.
I need to integrate something in my workflow.
I generate a lot of rather simple different documents every day. Mainly logos.
I need to automaticfally add some color references on the document. This means something like a little square and some text on the side stating the pantone reference used, for each used color on the document.
So I found a script that would do just that, taking the color swatch as a reference.
The problem with this is that it will also include the default colors of the swatch. (I know there's a way to change this, but colors like white and black will allways remain there).
The other problem, is that it seems like lauching a script from the file > script menu isnt taken into account when creating an action.
I dont want to have to sort all this manually and am looking for a way to automate this.
So if anyone has an idea as to how to do this, it woul dbe very cool.
Thanx for your input !