first of all, I have no idea how to write an applescript . So this is my first one.
Some thoughts:
1. If you escape something, you must escape it in general, so not only digits, but also \x{0024} or \t >> \\x and \\t
2. If you have two queries, you must set 'change grep' twice
3. Some cosmetics: \x{0024} can be written as \x24 and [\d]{5} should be written als \d{5}.
With some changes, this lines work for me:
tell application "Adobe InDesign CC 2014" set find grep preferences to nothing set change grep preferences to nothing set find what of find grep preferences to "\\x24?\\d+\\.\\d{2}" set change to of change grep preferences to "" --replace with nothing change grep set find what of find grep preferences to "\\t?120\\u{2}\\d{5}([\\u|\\d]+)?" set change to of change grep preferences to "\\t" --replace with a tab change grep set find grep preferences to nothing set change grep preferences to nothing end tell
– Kai