Bug with Web app collection:
This is a web app item via {{this}} inside a template or custom template for a web app item:
[itemid, 4815164]
[name, Ad impedit facilis]
[urlWithHost, http://pretty-alpha.businesscatalyst.com/news/ad-impedit-facilis]
[url, /news/ad-impedit-facilis]
[releaseDate, 2014-07-29]
[expiryDate, 9999-01-01]
[lastUpdateDate, 2014-07-29]
[counter, 1]
[weight, ]
[commentCount, 0]
[editUrl, /news/ad-impedit-facilis?A=Edit]
[isCustomerModule, False]
[editParams, ]
[edit, ]
[deleteUrl, /CustomContentProcess.aspx?CCID=21555&OID=4815164&A=Delete]
[deleteParams, ]
[delete, ]
[Image, <a href="/news/ad-impedit-facilis"><img border="0" alt="" src="/burgundy_01.jpg"></a>]
[Image_nolink, <img border="0" alt="" src="/burgundy_01.jpg">]
[Image_value, /burgundy_01.jpg]
[Intro Text, Eu mei lorem probatus. Diceret molestiae at sed. Ne pro erant quando quodsi, vim affert blandit ullamcorper at. Ad impedit facilis pro. Nullam phaedrum per cu, possim discere recteque ad sit.]
[Author_id, 4815023]
[Author, <a href="/staff/john-smith">John Smith</a>]
[globals, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Object]]
If you do a web app as a collection like this:
{module_webapps,News,a,,,,,8,,1 template="" collection="newslist"}
<div class="liquid-news">
{% for item in this.newslist.items -%}
{{item}} Renders:
[itemid, 4815164]
[name, Ad impedit facilis]
[urlWithHost, http://pretty-alpha.businesscatalyst.com/news/ad-impedit-facilis]
[url, /news/ad-impedit-facilis]
[releaseDate, 2014-07-29]
[releaseDate_raw, 29/07/2014 12:00:00 AM]
[expiryDate, 9999-01-01]
[expiryDate_raw, 1/01/9999 12:00:00 AM]
[lastUpdateDate, 2014-07-29]
[lastUpdateDate_raw, 29/07/2014 6:22:39 PM]
[counter, 1]
[weight, ]
[Intro Text, Eu mei lorem probatus. Diceret molestiae at sed. Ne pro erant quando quodsi, vim affert blandit ullamcorper at. Ad impedit facilis pro. Nullam phaedrum per cu, possim discere recteque ad sit.]
[Author_id, 4815023]
[Author, <a href="/staff/john-smith">John Smith</a>]
You can see that the custom image fields are missing from the data output so you can not use them.