I'm having a nighmare of a time trying to render out video at 6k resolution. That's 6144 x 3160.
My project is a timelapse movie so my master RAW files are around 8k. These have been imported into After Effects as
a RAW sequence and look great. My client wants to see some 6k test footage so I thought it'd be easy to render out
a short MOV file at 6k resolution. I was wrong.
The problem I'm getting is that the footage seems to render out at 6k but the footage appears to be about a quarter of the
visible area in the video. By that I mean there is loads of black space all around the imagery. If I resize, the black space
resizes too.
Now, I realize that my computer screen is just a 1920 x 1280 screen so it won't allow me to see actual 6K properly
but I'd expect it to behave like it does when I render out a 4k file, which is that there is no black space, the aspect ration all
looks right but I can only fit about a quarter of the video onto my entire screen. That makes sense, but this 6k stuf???
My AE project is 6144 x 3160. and my export settings match that. Video Codec is just 'Video' but I tried others and got
the same result.
Where have I messed up?
Thanks in advance.