I had the same problem - i purchased the complete creative cloud, and as soon as i wanted to download my first piece of software. After the purchase i logged on at adobe.com and clicking on a "download" button - an "adobe application manager" popped up - and quit unexpectedly. every time - i restarted the computer, tried different browsers.. it always crashed after about 30 seconds..
I found a solution that worked for me, i used the "adobe creative cloud cleaner tool" , check out this link:
Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6
After using the cleaner the right thing happened when clicking on the download button: I was offered to install the "CreativeCloudInstaller" - instead of an Adobe Application Manager - and now it works like a charm.
While figuring out what to do i came across this post and figured - i might as well post my solution here.
I hope this helps!