Since LR 5.5 I have problems with synchronisation with LR mobile. really frustrating. The communication from LRM to LRD works. But not the other way around. Adding/Removing collections and Removing pictures on LRD Side do not show up in LRM. Deleting syncdata and Windows cache work only in a very limited way. With LR5.4 I uploaded 15000 pictures, with LR5.5 only roughly 10%. Yesterday I was unable to delete my collections that I had finished editing. I then deleted the ata in LRD, cleared the Syncdata and the Windows cache (Appdata Temp, this used to work). Then I started a new sync with 1300 pictures. LRD says that these pictures have been uploaded, LRM says that there are no synced files. LRWeb says I have no files synced.
I have these problems from the beginning that I downloaded LR5.5
I will send you the log file