Note first that I was a senior IT contractor (all my code was bonded) so I do know a fair bit about computers.
There are definitely bugs in the install fil : "install_flashplayer14x32au_mssa_aaa_aih.exe"
Here was my experience :
* I did not realize my daughter had already installed the update, because the adobe site kept coming up on FIREFOX automatically every time that the browser started (even though flash sites work fine and it was installed properly by her).
* So I ran it. The install claimed (every time) that I do not have enough drive space. This is not the case.
I went on to the page for testing my install ( "" ) which told me
Congratulations, your computer has the latest Flash Player beta
version installed. ( Your version14.0.0.125 Latest Version12.0.0.77 )
and the flash animation was fine.
However I still kept having the install page on ADOBE come up when FIREFOX started up. I tried (again and again) to use the install :
but every single time I got the error about not having enough drive space (I do so - tons)
* so I looked at forum posts and found the bundled install lin ( install_flash_player.exe )
And I used this instead (to make sure all was well)
The version in the properties is
This installed perfectly.
- I did not get any error messages telling me I did not have enough drive space
- I no longer to sent off to ADOBE every time FIREFOX starts, with a message telling me I need to update
* The page "" gives me this feedback :
Congratulations, your computer has the latest Flash Player beta
version installed. ( Your version14.0.0.125 Latest Version12.0.0.77 )
So, I suggest you fix "install_flashplayer14x32au_mssa_aaa_aih.exe" so that it :
1) knows that the program is already installed (duh)
2) does not tell people they do not have enough drive space when they do