No quite. PERIOD.
What version of Premiere Elements are you using and on what computer operating system is it running. That information is for when I need to get into version and computer specifics.
Here is the generalized and as specific as possible answer for now....
Convert your iTunes music into a .wav file, using iTunes.
1. Open iTunes. Go to Edit Menu/Preferences/General Preferences dialog
2. In the General Preferences dialog, click on the Import Settings tab to open to the Import Settings Dialog.
3. In the Import Settings Dialog, set the "Import Using:" to WAV Encoder
4. OK your way out of there.
5. Under Music/Songs....File Menu/Add File to Library...browse to and select your iTunes music to be converted.
6. When in the list of Music/Songs, right click the iTunes file and select Create WAV Version.
7. Then right click the iTunes WAV just created and select Copy, followed by pasting it to the computer desktop.
8. From the computer desktop, import your iTune.wav into your Premiere Elements project.
Have you been there and done that?
Please let us know if you need clarification on any of the above.
Thank you.