I'd like to update this thread, as I experiment in a real-scenario the all creativecloud workflow.
Today, the first problem I'm facing, is the quality of uploaded images.
No matter what resolution or size (tried uploading the same file at various sizes) when it's published in creative cloud it is displayed with an unwanted "glow" effect and strong artifacts. Text is almost unreadable in some areas. This happens less with simple elements like logos on a white background, but it's very strong on complex images, i.e. a poster.
And, if I choose to download the image, the downloaded one is NOT the original file, but the compressed one, with artifacts.
I tried with several jpg and png24 exported (save for web) from illustrator/photoshop at high and medium resolution.
Am I doing something wrong?
I've managed to improve the quality uploading png24 full quality, the resize/compression is better.