I am new to Elements 8 and a bit lost. I find thatone of the simplest things I did using Adobe Photodeluxe don't work here.
In the past to combine several open photos onto one page I would pick any one of the photos and enlarge it's canvas size
enough to accept all of my photos, Then I would drag that image to wherever I wanted it to be on the resized canvas. And then I
would drag the remaining photos onto the canvas, save the results and the job was done.
With Elements I cannot seem to reposition my original image on the canvas in the first place nor can I drag other images onto that
The problem? seems to be that when I open any photo in Elements, The Crop tool is already on and I cannot seem
to turn it off except by selecting another tool which I do not need at the time. The result is when I click on an image to
drag it, the crop tool activates instead.
How do I get around this?