That's indeed a very true sentence: "Adobe is not
doing a good job with German apostrophes". Though
the German market should be important for Adobe.
And the problem is: You can see - in the last few
years - more and more design subjects with the
wrong apostroph. Mostly young layouters don't know
much about typography but trust implicitly Adobe's
InDesign. Adobe should be ashamed. The only
solution I know and use: Pressing Alt and typing
0146 on the numeric keyoard.
Da mein Englisch bestimmt nicht das beste ist,
nochmal meine Meinung auf Deutsch: Es ist in
meinen Augen eine Schande, dass Adobe den
deutschen Markt so vernachlässigt. Selbst wenn man
mit Guillemets arbeitet, muss ein normaler
Apostroph ("Hochkomma") möglich sein. Aber
InDesign kennt ja (in den Wörterbucheinstellungen
für Anführungszeichen) noch nicht einmal die im
Deutschen korrekten einfachen Guillemets (vorn
und am Ende ). Die deutsche Version von InDesign
kennt nur die französischen einfachen Guillemets -
das ist eigentlich eine Peinlichkeit! - Oder
Jens Neckermann
"Willi Adelberger" <>
wrong apostroph (German)
created by Willi Adelberger in InDesign - View the
full discussion
Sandy, the problem is, the missing apostrophe is a
different one than the quoting apostrophe in
In German for spelling we can use » « (in Germany
and Austria toward the text, in Switzerland away
from the text as it is written in France) or
(look like small 99 down and 66 up) for double
quotes and or , for single quotes.
The missing letter apostrophe is , which looks
like 9 up.
Adobe is not doing a good job with German
apostrophes, in Find & Replace it confuses all
kind of single apostrophes and comma and missing
letter apostrophe
Even here in the forum I was not able to write any
form of closing apostrophe. I did a workaround and
wrote this text in BB-Edit, copied it and pasted
it here to, this worked.
On Mac and Windows I set my apostrophes in the
preferences for the German languages, I prefer to
use » «, because it is easier to recognize if
there is something going wrong.
When I am typing on the Mac I use always the
shortcuts (in German keyboard they are on a
different place than on the US keyboard.) On
windows I use the preferences and for the missing
apostrophe the alt+numeric keyboard.
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