2x Xeon E5 2690 V2 CPU's @ 3GHz
128GB DDR3 1600
1TB Crucial M550 SSD
2x 780Ti GPU's
AVCHD 4 Layer 30 Minute test
3 Layer - 29:59
4 Layer – 32:05
Red 4K to DPX 4096 x 2048 24p Full Range (max bit depth) 30 seconds of media
3 Layer - 3:39
4 layer - 3:30
Red 6K to DPX 6K (max bit depth) 20 seconds of media
1 Layer - 2:51
Red 4K to Pro Res 4444 via Cinemartin PLIN Gold 30 seconds
3:40 + 1 min to 2min Render time in Premiere